Soon after the end of the Second World War three young brothers left the armed services and returned to Doncaster. The reconstruction of the country’s housing and other buildings was starting and the demand for building materials inspired them to embark on a new venture. Broome Bros began making breeze blocks in 1948 and has done so ever since.
In the early days blocks were made one by one after mixing the ash and cement by hand before the “luxury” of a powered mixer was introduced. The brothers Alan, Pete and Des all had other jobs by day and made blocks during the night. For a number of years the blocks that were produced in the nights were transported to local sites early in a morning and laid by Alan and Des, an arrangement called “supply and fix”.
The company managed steady growth until 1963 when substantial external investment in the business caused the production and turnover to increase tenfold which made Broome Bros a major player in the block industry. The tradename “Donlite” was introduced at this time. The momentum was sustained and in the late 80’s further major investment was made to increase levels again.
In 1998 the family regained full ownership of the company and under the control of the current management who have some 35 years experience in the industry, Broome Bros can, following further acquisitions of new machinery look forward confidently to the future and continue to provide their usual personal but professional service.